
LBC Manufacturing

LBC Manufacturing specializes in exceptional custom chemical feed systems and high-quality liquid chlorinators! Based in Hempstead, Texas, they serve the needs of wastewater management proudly across various cities that might be in your backyard! The company’s journey is led by dedicated individuals with a passion for innovation and community service, focusing on providing top-of-the-line equipment for septic tanks and sewer systems to ensure our lovely neighborhoods stay clean and sustainable. Whether you’re dealing with a septic issue or getting ready to dive into a new project with sewer contractors, LBC has you covered! They truly believe in making a difference in how our sewer systems work – and that’s not just talk; it’s action!

LBC Manufacturing Phone Number

(979) 826-0139

LBC Manufacturing Address

2205 25th St
Hempstead, TX 77445

LBC Manufacturing Website


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